フォトギャラリー クリックすると拡大写真がご覧になれます。 HvO世界大賞2023 第8回授賞式を終えて 2023年7月16日(日): ハレクラニ沖縄(沖縄、日本)、「HauTerrace」にて 本年、HvO世界大賞2023の会場は国定公園として守られてきた沖縄・恩納村の美しい海岸線に立つハレクラニ沖縄。ハワイの言葉で「天国にふさわしい館」を意味するハレクラニ。授賞式会場であるハウテラスの窓から見える沖縄の美しい海と明るい光がHvO世界大賞受賞者の皆様を祝福しているようです。This year, the venue for the HvO World Prize 2023 is Halekulani Okinawa, situated on the beautiful coastline of Onna Village in Okinawa, has been preserved as a national park. "Halekulani" means "a place befitting paradise" in the Hawaiian. The stunning Okinawan seascape and the bright light visible from the windows of the Hau Terrace seem to be blessing all the HvO World Prize winners. HvO世界大賞2022 穏やかな第7回授賞式を終えて 2022年11月4日(金): フォーシーズンスホテル京都(京都府、日本)、「ボールルーム 1」にて 静かに更けゆく秋の夕暮れ、東山の閑静な竹林の先にひっそり佇むのが今年の授賞式の舞台、フォーシーズンスホテル京都。 The stage of this year's award ceremony, 'Four Seasons Hotel Kyoto' is quietly standing at the end of the tall and slender bamboo forest enveloped in the silence of late autumn. 外界の喧騒を忘れさせる隠れ家のような佇まいが印象的です。 The serenity of the hermitage makes you feel like a distance from the outside world full of noises. その最もプレステ―ジャスな会場「ボールルーム」で静かに宴の幕が上がりました。 The curtain rose quietly in the most prestigious venue of the hotel, known as the Ballroom. 本年度受賞を果たした計3社4製品に対し、栄誉あるHvO世界大賞が授与されました。 A total of 4 products from 3 companies received the honor of the prestigious award this year. 常連組の中には、5年連続受賞を対象に特別に贈呈されるHvO World Prestige Awardの対象者も。 Among the regular nominees, there was a winner who was eligible for the special award presented for winning five consecutive years. もちろん今回初めて栄えある受賞を果たした企業も新たに誕生。 There was a new company that won the award for the first time this year, as well… 受賞者には、白川太郎HvOアカデミー委員長代行から、トロフィーと証書が授与されました。 Dr. Taro Shirakawa, a committee member on behalf of the Chairman of the HvO Academy presented the award to a winner on stage, as their name was called. そして白川委員長代行の挨拶から恒例の乾杯へ。 And Dr. Shirakawa gave his speech and toast, representing the HvO Academy for this year. 出席者は互いに栄誉を称えあったり、再会を喜んだり。 The attendees together praised each other and rejoiced at the reunion. そしてお待ちかねのディナータイムの始まりです。 Next, the start of the long-awaited sumptuous dinner that the hotel boasts... 旬の京都をふんだんに盛り込んだ豪華フルコースディナーがふるまわれました。 A luxurious full-course dinner with plenty of local seasonal ingredients of Kyoto was served to the attendees. 和と洋の絶妙な味わいに歓談の華が咲きます。 The exquisite flavors of Japanese and Western cuisine sparked conversation. 時折、アカデミックな会話を挟みながら、穏やかで心地よい酒宴の時が過ぎ行きます。 With occasional academic conversations, time passes in a calm and pleasant feast… 東京リエゾンである薬事法ドットコムの林田学社主から締めの挨拶。 And Mr. Mike Hayashida, Principal of YDC Tokyo as a local liaison of the HvO Academy expressed his gratitude to all the guests and the stakeholders at the end the party. 閉会後に皆で記念写真のひととき。 A moment of commemorative photo with the winners and attendees after the ceremony... 来年こそ、また世界の晴れ舞台で皆が再会できることを祈りつつ、宴の幕は静かに下りました。 The banquet curtain came down quietly with wishes that we will meet again next year on the world stage like we used to. HvO世界大賞2021 晴れやかな第6回授賞式を終えて 2021年10月23日(土): 東京アメリカンクラブ(東京、日本)、「New York Ballroom」にて 残念ながら、今回もコロナによる渡航制限の影響で、例年より3ヵ月遅れの東京開催がようやく実現しました。 Again as last year, we had to delay the meeting more than three months because of ongoing travel restrictions due to the worldwide spread of Covid-19. 本年、HvO世界大賞2021の会場に選ばれた東京アメリカンクラブは、1928年に創設された歴史と伝統のある会員制社交クラブ。2010年のリニューアルで、さらにハイグレードな施設に生まれ変わりました。 The selected venue for the HvO World Award 2021, 'Tokyo American Club' is a membership social club with a wealth of history and traditions since its establishment in 1928. The facilities have been highly upgraded in a full-scale refurbishing in 2010. その豪華な舞踏会用フロアをお借りして、いよいよ授賞式の幕開けです。 The curtain of the awarding went up on the main floor of the gorgeous ballroom. 今回は、受賞計5社から3社のご出席をいただいての開催となりました。 We had a total of three attendees out of five awardees for the occasion this year. 今年も来日が叶わなかったニック・ホーキンスHvOアカデミー委員長は、ビデオメッセージで会場の皆様へ開会のご挨拶。 Mr. Nick Hawkins, Chairman of the HvO Academy gave his opening address by video from the UK that was projected on the center screen. 続いて、白川太郎HvOアカデミー委員長代行から、受賞各社へトロフィーと証書が授与されました。 Dr. Taro Shirakawa, a committee member on behalf of Chairman of the HvO Academy presented the awards to each awardee on stage, as their name was called. 今回で6回目となる最多受賞企業の皆様。 There was a company which had won the award for six consecutive years, the highest counts of all the awardees as a single product in the history of the HvO. さらに、連続5回受賞の証であるワールド・プレステージアワードを授賞された皆様。 And another company which received the HvO World Prestige Award for winning five consecutive years… そして、今年はじめて栄冠に輝いた新たな受賞者も。 And finally, there was a new company which won the award for the first time this year… 授賞式をひと通り終えた所で、昨年同様、来賓のハーバード大OB、ヘンリー・シールズ氏の流暢な日本語による乾杯の儀。 Taking a breather from the ceremony, Mr. Henry Seals, gave his speech and toast in fluent Japanese, representing Harvard graduates of the HvO Academy, as he did last year as well. 会場のお祝いムードは一気に最高潮へ。 And the entire party broke out for the celebratory atmosphere with the cue! そしてお待ちかねのディナータイムの始まりです。 And then it was time for the long anticipated sumptuous dinner, prepared by the expert staff. メインディッシュは東京アメリカンクラブ自慢のプライムリブステーキ。絶品の味わいに会話がさらに盛り上がります。 A famous juicy prime rib steak of the club and its excellent taste encouraged their chatting more over the main dish. 食事が進むほど、テーブルは一層なごやかで打ち解けた雰囲気に… As guests enjoyed the feast together, each table was gradually enveloped in an even more unstrained atmosphere as if even strangers had known each other for many years… 食事が一段落した所で、白川HvOアカデミー委員長代行から本年度受賞者への講評と締めのご挨拶。 Toward the end of the meal, Dr. Shirakawa gave his closing remarks and feedbacks to the review for the wrap-up of the year of 2021. さらに、東京リエゾンを代表して薬事法ドットコム社主、林田学氏から来場者の皆様へのお礼のご挨拶がありました。 And Mr. Mike Hayashida, Principal of YDC Tokyo as a local liaison of the HvO Academy expressed his gratitude to all the guests and the stakeholders at the end. 2年もの時を経てようやく平穏を取り戻しつつある今、来年こそはまた世界のどこかで皆様と再開できますよう願いを込めて! The event was closed with a strong wish in mind for a reunion next year somewhere in the peaceful world, after two years of patience we have shared… HvO世界大賞2020 にぎやかな第5回授賞式を終えて 2020年9月21日(月): 六本木ヒルズクラブ(東京、日本)、「the horizon room」にて 今回はCOVID-19による世界的な渡航制限に伴い、7月にスペインバルセロナで予定していた授賞式を、ようやく2ヶ月遅れで東京にて開催することができました。 少し前まで連日の猛暑が続いていたとは思えないほど、微風が心地良くそよぐ秋晴れの休日… This year, it took more than a couple of months to come to a final decision of the Awarding 2020 in Tokyo. Due to travel restrictions imposed on international travel due to the worldwide spread of Covid-19, the original plans to hold the event in Barcelona, were changed to the prestigious Roppongi Hills Club. On the day of the ceremony, we enjoyed a beautiful sunny day with a gentle breeze blowing in the crisp air with just a hint early autumn … 連休中にも関わらず、本年度も新規エントリーを含む多くの受賞企業の皆様が当授賞式へ来場されました。 We had many guests from various prize-winning corporations including new entries for this year, as well as invited supporters living in Japan, despite being held during the middle of Silver Week, a busy 4 consecutive day holiday in Japan. 今回で5回目を迎えるHvO世界大賞授賞式では、晴れて5年連続受賞を果たされた栄えある受賞者へ、新たな「HvO World Prestige Award」の記念盾が贈呈されました。 For the first time in the history of the HvO, a special plaque of the HvO World Prestige Award’ was exclusively presented to those who have achieved the unique distinction of winning the original award for five consecutive years. 開場からほどなく、来賓や受賞者各位が三々五々と会場に到着。 The festivities began with the arrival of fashionably attired guests, soon after the door opened, exactly on time… 今回初めて名刺を交換される方々、そして久しぶりの再会を共に喜ぶ方々の談笑で、会場はしだいに温まっていくようです The temperature of the venue seemed to gradually raise as the guests exchanged friendly words, reuniting with friends from previous events or exchanging business card with new acquaintances. 来訪者全員が着席し、いよいよHvO世界大賞2020授賞式が厳かに幕を開けます。 Once all the guests were seated, the curtain raised for the commencement of the Awarding… 今回、来日が叶わなかったニック・ホーキンスHvOアカデミー委員長に代わり、医学博士白川太郎委員がアカデミーを代表して開会のご挨拶。 Dr. Taro Shirakawa, a member of the HvO Academy, gave his opening remarks on behalf of Mr. Nick Hawkins, the chairman of the Academy who unfortunately couldn’t attend due to the travel ban for COVID-19. そして受賞企業の代表者が登壇し、白川委員から証書とトロフィーが授与されます。 And then, Dr. Shirakawa presented a certificate and a trophy to each winner as they were called by name and came to the stage. 2016年の第1回から5年連続で受賞を果たした受賞者には、今回はじめて上位賞の「HvO World Prestige Award」が贈呈されました! For the winner who won the award for five consecutive years since the very first event in 2016, a plaque of ‘the HvO World Prestige Award’ was presented by the HvO Academy with a special commendation. 続いて、HvO世界大賞ではおなじみの受賞各社へトロフィーと証書が授与されます。 The special awarding was followed by other regular winners that we all are familiar with. 来年にはいよいよ「 HvO World Prestige Award」に手が届く受賞者も… Some of them were only a step away to the superior award for the next year… 本年も革新的な技術力を誇る新製品のエントリ―で、新たなHvO世界大賞受賞者が誕生しました。 Happily, we witnessed the birth of a new winner whose innovative technology has been recognized for yielding results as a high-profile product in the market. 授賞式が一段落したところで、いよいよお待ちかねのディナータイムへ… As we basked in the afterglow of excitement, we transition to the eagerly anticipated sumptuous full-course dinner… いつもなら、ここでコンウェイ・ダウニング委員による乾杯の儀ですが、今回はハーバード大学OBで在日外資系企業の要職を務める来賓のヘンリー・シールズ氏が流暢な日本語で代行。 But before that, Mr. Henry Seals who graduated from Harvard University and currently holds a key position in a global enterprise, gave his toast in fluent Japanese as well as in English, instead of Mr. Conway Downing who performed this role at the past 5 events, including last year in Milan. 会場内は一層華やかなパーティームードへ突入! Picking up the cue from Henry’s enthusiastic toast, the entire hall filled with a cheerful and bright party mood… 来場者には贅を尽くしたフランス料理のフルコースディナーがふるまわれました。 An elaborate and lavish French-style banquet full of seasonal delicacies was then served to all the guests. おいしい料理に舌鼓を打ちながら、テーブルは一層なごやかな雰囲気に包まれます。 As they fully enjoyed the feast together, each table was gradually enveloped in an even more unstrained atmosphere… 食事がひと区切りつくと、テーブルはいつもながらのアカデミックな話題で会話も弾みます。 Between courses, the guests also enjoyed lively conversations sharing information about academia, personal interests, travel, etc.… 初対面同士でもすぐに打ち解けて、優雅な国際交流のひとときを満喫いただきました。 Even guests who met each other for the first time, hit it off right away and shared the wonderful moment of borderless conversation. 普段はあまり顔を合わすこともない、業界のトップマネジメント同士の親交も深まります。 Even the top management of market-leading companies cultivated their acquaintance with one another, exploring potential opportunities. 宴もたけなわ、イベントはそろそろ終盤に… The party was in full swing toward the end… 閉会を前に、HvO世界大賞の日本側リエゾン代表である薬事法ドットコム社主、林田学氏が、ホーキンス委員長に代わって今年度の総評と締めのご挨拶。 Approaching the crescendo, Mr. Mike Hayashida, the owner of YDC Tokyo and principal liaison of the HvO Academy, gave his closing remarks including some feedback to the review in the year 2020. 名残を惜しむかのごとく、思い思いに記念撮影のひととき… As if they were reluctant to leave the venue, the participants kept exchanging permission to take commemorative photos with one another… 来年も無事に開催できることを祈りつつ、授賞式は静かに幕を下ろしました。 次回こそスペインバルセロナで皆様にお会いできますよう! Hoping for a reunion at the next occasion in 2021, the annual event dropped the final curtain under the mantle of night … See you all in Barcelona, next time around! HvO世界大賞2019 和やかな第4回授賞式を終えて 2019年7月14日(日):フォーシーズンスホテル・ミラノ(ミラノ、イタリア) 「テアトロ」にて HvO世界大賞2019授賞式の開催地ミラノは、言うまでもなくイタリアを代表する文化と芸術の都です。 Needless to say, Milan as the venue for the HvO World Award 2019 is the heart and soul of culture and arts in Italy. 会場となったフォーシーズンスホテル・ミラノ周辺は、荘厳なゴシック建築を誇るドゥオーモをはじめ、イタリアオペラ最高峰の劇場スカラ座 Around the area of the Four Seasons Hotel where the award ceremony took place, there are famous places like ‘Duomo di Milano’ known for its awesome Gothic facade and ‘Teatro alla Scala’ known as the top theater of Italian opera… さらに近代アーケード建築の原型とも言うべきヴィット―リオ・エマヌエーレ2世のガレリアなど、ミラノの歴史的景観を代表するモニュメントが集まっています。 And ‘Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II’ known as an archetype of modern arcading, and many more historic monuments of Milan helped emphasize the distinctive Italian atmosphere. 授賞式会場となったフォーシーズンスホテルも、もとは15世紀に建てられた修道院の建築物。 スペインらしいデザインの美しいパティオから降り注ぐ夏の日差しに会場が優しく包まれます。 The Four Seasons as the venue for HvO World Award 2019, too, was originally built in the 15th century for cloister. The gentle sunlight of an exquisite Italian summer afternoon brilliantly illuminates the beautiful patio that was built in authentic Spanish style. もちろん、授賞式の後には五つ星ホテルのシェフが腕に縒りをかけたフルコースのイタリアンディナーが待っています。 After the award ceremony, the guests enjoyed a full-course Italian dinner prepared by ‘five-star’ hotel’s chefs, resulting in a most unique culinary experience. やがて厳かに授賞式の幕が上がり、HvOアカデミーのニック・ホーキンス委員長が主催者を代表して開会のご挨拶。 To begin the formal program, the curtain was raised with the chairman of the HvO academy, Mr. Nick Hawkins’s opening speech on behalf of the commissioners and the organizers. 本年は、新規エントリー1製品を含む計5社7製品が栄えあるHvO世界大賞に選ばれました。 This year, a total of 7 products from 5 companies, including 1 newcomer were selected for the award. 2016年の第1回授賞式から連続4回目の授賞を果たした常連様をはじめ、革新的技術と商品で市場をリードする企業の代表者諸氏へ、アカデミーからトロフィーと証書が授与されました。 The HvO Academy praised and gave trophies and certificates to each awardee for their achievements in innovation and performance as market leaders, including one who has the sole distinction of winning the award in four consecutive years. 授賞式の締めくくりには毎度おなじみHvOアカデミー委員のコンウェイ・ダウニング氏による乾杯! At the end of the ceremony, Mr. Conway Downing, a committee member of the HvO Academy gave an accustomed toast in honor of the sentiment. Cheers!! and Kampai!! そして、皆さまお待ちかねのディナータイムへ! And here comes the sumptuous dinner, much awaited for by everyone. 日本人受賞者に、スマホの電子翻訳機能を使って積極的にコミュニケーションを図るアカデミー委員も… There was a committee member who’s clumsily trying his brand-new mobile application for language translation to communicate with a Japanese guest… さすがイタリアが誇る偉人レオナルド・ダビンチに所縁のあるミラノらしい、科学的で画期的な「国際交流」の場となりました。 Indeed, it was a place for an international exchange with ‘state-of-the-art’ technology and science, taking place where the world’s greatest inventor, Leonard da Vinci abided for a while in the past! HvO世界大賞2018 華やかな第3回授賞式を終えて 2018年7月15日(日):プラザアテネ(フランス、パリ)、 「オートクチュール」にて 授賞式前日の7月14日は、「パリ祭」として知られるフランス革命記念日です。 July the 14th, a day before the ceremony of Hvo World Award 2018 is well-known as ‘Bastille Day’ (or so-called ‘the Paris Festival’ among Japanese people 会場近くのシャンゼリゼ通りは、華やかなパレードを見に集まった群集で賑わっています。 Many spectators were gathering on the pavements of Champs-Elysees to see the brilliant parade from the early morning, late into the afternoon 仏大統領の車列を先頭に壮大なパレードがはじまると、沿道には一目見ようと鈴なりの観衆。 As the legions of French armed forces marched in the street, led by the French President, many spectators climbed up a tall fence to catch a glimpse of them… その日の夜には授賞式会場から目と鼻の先にあるエッフェル塔で、名物の花火大会が開催されました。 As night falls on the same day, the Eiffel Tower, just around the corner from our venue was outlined against the flood of lights, known as a famous firework festival in the city of Paris. 前日の興奮から一夜明けたHvO世界大賞2018の授賞式会場、ホテルプラザアテネ。 Hotel Plaza Athenee, the venue for our HvO World Award 2018, overnight into the day of the award ceremony after grandiose enthusiasm a day before… 前日も、来仏した国賓級VIPご一行が利用したばかりの豪華な会場に圧倒されます。 Amazed by the the devastating beauty of interior and settings of the venue, where one of state-guest-class delegation actually had a formal banquet just a day before. 開会時間となり、着飾った受賞者やゲストがディナーテーブルに着席。 The awardees and guests took their seats at the gorgeous dinner tables on time_ 本年度の選考を行ったHvOアカデミー委員が登壇し、式は厳かに始まります。 As all of the HvO Academy members got up on the stage, the ceremony started solemnly. 今回、2018年度は、計6社、9商品が栄えある受賞に輝きました。 We had a total of 9 products from 6 companies for the honor of receiving the prestigious HvO World Award 2018. 受賞企業と商品の紹介に続き、受賞者の名前が呼ばれます。 After a brief introduction of each awardee and his/her product, the names of representing awardees were called one by one to invite them onstage. HvOアカデミーのニック・ホーキンス委員長から記念のトロフィーと証書が授与されます。 Mr. Nick Hawkins, the chairman of HvO Academy presented trophies and certificates to the awardees by himself. 今回初エントリーにも関わらず、一度に2商品ものダブル受賞を果たした受賞者も。 One of the awardees earned multiple awards at once, despite being his very first entry this year…l 続いて、授賞式に遠路はるばるご参加いただいたすべての受賞者各位にも、トロフィーと証書がそれぞれ授与されました。 The award ceremony was followed by all the other awardees visiting with and sharing memorable exchanges with guests from all over the world また来年もこの地でお会いできることを楽しみに、花の都パリの空は暮れて行きました。 Night falls in Paris, the city of lights, with best wishes for marvelous reunion in this place again, next year… HvO世界大賞2017 輝かしい第2回授賞式を終えて 2017年7月16日(日):マンダリンオリエンタルハイドパーク(ロンドン)、 「ザ・ロッジア」にて 本年度の授賞式は、気候的にとても過ごしやすい7月の開催となりました。 This year, the award ceremony was held in the best season in the UK, mid July. 現地ロンドンの7月は街のあちこちが花と緑で賑わいます。 You can see places full of verdant and richly-blooming flowers here, there and everywhere in the city of London. 今回も、会場は伝統と格式を誇る5つ星ホテル、マンダリンオリエンタル・ハイドパーク。 Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park, known as a five-star accommodation for its prestige and tradition, was selected as the venue for the award ceremony as last year. 開場まもなく受賞者やサポーターなど、招待者が続々と訪れます。 The guests came in one after another as the door opened. 開会までしばし和やかに歓談のひととき。 They enjoyed the opening. 授賞式のオープニングに向けて会場の熱気は高まる。 Everyone felt a rising sense of anticipation and serenity as the opening approached. 審査に携わったHvOアカデミー委員がステージ上に着席。 The three commissioners of the HvO Academy and also judges for the award, were then seated on stage. ニック・ホーキンスHvOアカデミー委員長による開会の挨拶。 Mr. Nick Hawkins, the chairman of the HvO Academy opened the ball with his speech. 遠路はるばる参加いただいた多くの出席者を暖かく迎えた。 He gave a warm welcome to the guests who traveled from distant destinations to attend this grand occasion. いよいよ待ちに待った受賞者の発表と授与式の開幕。 The award ceremony then commenced followed by announcement of the winners for 2017… 受賞者は各々名前を呼ばれてステージへ登壇。 The winners were prompted to come up to the stage, called by their names. ホーキンス委員長から受賞トロフィーと記念証書を受け取った。 受賞者の功績を称える惜しみない拍手が続いた。 The winners received ringing generous applause from the audience. HvOアカデミー委員との記念撮影。 They also had an opportunity to take commemorative photos with the HvO commissioners on stage. 授賞式は最大の盛り上がりを見せた。 The ceremony approached a crescendo. コンウェイ・ダウニングHvOアカデミー委員の音頭で出席者一同が乾杯。 Everyone raised a glass as Mr. Conway Downing, a committee member of the HvO Academy gave a toast which captured the sentiment experienced by all participants. 格式ある会場にふさわしい贅を尽くした伝統的な英国式フルコースが振舞われた。 A lavish full-course meal in the most traditional British style was served to every guest. マンダリンオリエンタル自慢の絶品料理にゲストの会話も一層はずむ。 The participants had pleasant and productive conversations over the exquisite meal that Mandarin Oriental served with their pride. 単に栄誉を称えるだけでなく、まさに選ばれた人々の華やかな社交場となった会場のひととき。 Not just a ceremony, but it was more like a gala occasion for chosen people who have achieved success and prestige in both their professional and personal lives. テーブルでは、しばしHvOアカデミー委員や出席者のアカデミックな議論にも花が咲いた。 And they often exchanged their opinions and points of view in academic discussions over the table, as well. いよいよ宴も佳境に入り、クロージングセレモニーへ。 The party was in full swing as the ceremony drew to a close. 式の締めくくりに、改めて本年度の受賞者を称え、式典の成功を祝う出席者一同。 To close the ceremony, everyone in the hall again praised the winners for 2017, and celebrated the success of the event with the biggest round of applause. ホーキンス委員長は、本年度の審査に関する講評とHvO世界大賞のさらなる発展への抱負を語った Mr. Hawkins, the chairman of the HvO Academy gave his closing remarks and foresight into the future of HvO World Award. また来年の7月にここで皆様とお会いできますように。 Best wishes for a magnificent reunion with everyone next July! HvO世界大賞2016 記念すべき第1回授賞式を終えて 2016年11月4日(金):マンダリンオリエンタルハイドパーク(ロンドン)、 「ザ・ボールルーム」にて 2016年11月4日(金)晩秋の穏やかなロンドン市内 The heart of London in the serenity of late autumn on the 4th of November, 2016. HvO世界大賞授賞式は歴史のあるマンダリンオリエンタルホテルにて開催された The award ceremony of HvO World Award 2016 was held at the Mandarin Oriental Hype Park, a landmark in Knightsbridge. 会場のホテル前はひときわ華やかな雰囲気に It seemed like the hotel was already in a state of celebration. 古くから世界中の名士やセレブリティが集うことで知られる社交界の華、ザ・ボールルーム The Ballroom, the centre of celebration and convocation for celebrities and socialites alike. ウェルカムラウンジではゲストが歓談し、初の授賞式に向けてさらに期待が高まる All the guests patiently awaiting the first grand opening gala at the welcoming lounge. フルコースのディナーパーティー形式で、おごそかに、そして晴れやかに授賞式の開会宣言 The award ceremony conducted in dinner theatre style commenced solemnly and gracefully. 受賞企業には、HvOアカデミーからトロフィーと証書が授与された Certificates and trophies were awarded to each winner by the HvO Academy. ニック・ホーキンスHvOアカデミー委員長により Mr. Nick Hawkins as Chairman of HvO Academy presented the awards on stage. 出席した受賞企業の代表者各位へ The representatives beamed with smiles, complacent with their accomplishment. 栄えあるHvO世界大賞が手渡され The triumphant Corporation’s Representatives were congratulated and commended on their honourable performances and achievements. 会場内は賞賛の拍手喝采に包まれた The venue was filled with cheers and applause of warmth and enthusiasm. コンウェイ・ダウニングHvO委員による乾杯を皮切りに Mr. Conway Downing, a committee member of the HvO Academy gave a toast in honour of the sentiment. テーブルでは、しばし和やかな歓談のひとときと Guests and entrants enjoyed pleasant conversation at their tables during the interval. 伝統的で最高級の英国式ディナーを満喫 During the interval everyone enjoyed the finest traditional full-course English dinner served by the Mandarin Oriental. HvO初の授賞式成功を称えあうコンウェイ委員とホーキンス委員長 Mr. Downing and Mr. Hawkins congratulating each other on the success of the first HvO award ceremony. 会場のゲストも総立ちで祝福した The attendees also celebrate the red-letter day with a standing ovation as the ceremony comes to a close. 来年度のさらなる発展に向けて、メディアに抱負を語るホーキンス委員長 Mr Hawkins, chairman of HvO Academy, expressed his well-wishes and optimistic ambition for the future of the HvO World Award in a media session following the ceremony.