What is ‘HvO Academy’?
Hvo Academy is located in London, UK, and is responsible for comprehensive services for the HvO World Award as a key administrator*, from the recept of entries, verification and selection of nominees, and the operation of the award ceremony that will be held once a year.
The committee wholly consists of either Harvard or Oxford graduates chosen for their wisdom in selecting the world’s highest standards of products or services, aiming to contribute to the development of civilization and the enhancement of living standards for humanity.
Location: c/o Alice Grant, 2F Portland House, Bressenden Place, London, SW1E 5RS, UK
*Hvo Academy is not of a corporate status, but a private organization of collective individual graduates of Harvard and Oxford.
Partner Overseas
Tokyo Liaison: Academy of Japan CAM
N30F Shinjyuku Park Tower, 3-7-1 Nishi-Shinjyuku, Shinjyuku, Tokyo, Japan
For Inquiries About HvO World Award
Sole Agent: Yakujihou Dotcom(YDC Tokyo)/ HvO Div.
C/O CROSSCOOP, 5th Fl. FORECAST, 4-3-17 Shinjyuku, Shinjyuku-ku, Tokyo 1600022, JAPAN
Tel: +813-6274-8781 Fax: +813-6274-8782